
Field Visit

  • Accompanied Shereen Hughes of Wetlands Watch on a tour of various stormwater BMP sites around the city of Norfolk
  • Sites that were analyzed as part of the tour included Myrtle Park, Jeff Robertson Park, and Colonial Place Greenway.
  • These visits helped highlight the benefits of constructed wetlands, rock-lined swales, and multifunctional green spaces in improving water quality and local biodiversity
  • Conducted a site visit of the Newton Creek redevelopment area
  • Analyzed existing stormwater management devices and potential obstacles, such as transportation infrastructure (bridges, railroads, etc.), stormwater pipage, and buildings
  • Briefly surveyed local aquatic and riparian biota

Technology Review

  • First major team deliverable
  • Discusses ongoing sea level rise as a threat to the city of Norfolk
  • Investigates a range of potential solutions, including bioretention ponds, constructed wetlands, and grassed detention areas
  • Contains detailed appendices outlining anticipated challenges, team roles and brainstorming sessions
  • Incorporated what was learned from the recent Norfolk field visit

Analysis of Potential Solutions

  • Second major team deliverable, builds off of what was learned during the technology review
  • Proposes a four-step treatment train
  • Design choices were guided by a predetermined set of criteria and weighted decision matrices for each respective step
  • Selected river rock channels, lined retention ponds, constructed wetland, and surface channels for conveyance, storage, treatment, and release, respectively
  • Listed team continuing team responsibilities for the upcoming semester

Next Steps

  • Work with GIS, flood modeling, and SWMM in the Newton Creek site
  • Narrowing down our design based on the analysis of potential solution
  • Prepare final design deliverables listed under “Project Deliverables”
